Good morning Chris,
Our Health Minister Adrian Dix is taking Bill 36 to the Legislature this week for its third reading. He has a majority in the Leg so the liberals can't stop him, but the public may be able. He's done this so quietly that we had no idea until now.
Dix is working on amalgamating our colleges into 6 regulating bodies for all professionals.
In this Bill he wants to take away the colleges being self regulating and the Registrants ability to vote in their boards. Instead he will appoint board members and those board members will create the bylaws and licensing bylaws including mandatory vaccination. This act gives him all encompassing power over us, With this Bill he can vaccine mandate ALL HEALTHCARE WORKERS-- Private and public. This is outlined in Section49 of this new Bill.
As a group we have been complaining to liberal MLAs and they said they can't stop it from passing but public outcry/outrage could. We don't have a big platform to do this and are asking