The odds of catching Covid-19 on an airplane are slimmer than you think, scientists say 2022.04.29 14:12The odds of catching Covid-19 on an airplane are slimmer than you think, scientists sayAccording to a new study, the risk of contracting the virus on a full flight is just 1 in 4,300, and the odds lower to 1 in 7,700 if the airline is adopting the middle seat open policy.CNN健康カナダ健康カナダとWakuWakuの総合サイト 健康カナダー心と身体と魂の健康を学ぶ会フォロー2022.04.29 16:01Vaccine status bullying is happening in Canadian schools.2022.04.29 14:11Parents Beware: They’re After Your Children 0コメント1000 / 1000投稿