Experts say it's time for a renewed COVID vaccination strategy in Ontario 2022.04.04 10:06Experts say it's time for a renewed COVID vaccination strategy in OntarioExperts say now is the time for a renewed vaccination strategy aimed at boosting third-dose uptake, shots for kids and preparing for wider fourth doses.Toronto健康カナダ健康カナダとWakuWakuの総合サイト 健康カナダー心と身体と魂の健康を学ぶ会フォロー2022.04.04 23:20忙しい時も、たったこれだけ ワンパン10分2022.04.04 00:29CDC Data Show Vaccinated Kids (5-11) Are More Likely To Catch C-19 Than Unvaccinated! 0コメント1000 / 1000投稿