Fill out the form to bring to Notary or Commissioner of Oath
1) you also have to contact public health to arrange a "education session" where they show you slide show/videos BEFORE going to commissioner of oaths.
2) Do not sign anything that says you admit to "risk" from not participating. The bottom of page 2 on the above document that you bring to a Notary or Commissioner of Oaths has a section titled "Risks of not being vaccinated". You need to make it clear you are not agreeing with this. Most are doing this by simply cross off the self incriminating “Risk” statement on page 1 of the exemption affidavit.
When public health officials ask parents why they have crossed off the “Risk” statement, parents are explaining that the conscience and religious exemption is based on the Canadian Charter and as such, they are asserting their Charter right to exercise their conscience and/or religious beliefs, NOT the government’s beliefs.
Furthermore, parents are stating that because they do NOT believe in, nor subscribe to the government’s self incriminating “Risk” statement on page 1 of the affidavit, they are exercising their legal right to cross it off.
We believe it is important for parents to claim their right, guaranteed by law, to choose which vaccines their child will be subjected to. Unless we actively protect and preserve our rights, we risk losing them
For more information see exemption forms page on
手続き方法は、学校のExemtionのPDFを記入し、Notary かCommissioner of Oathsにサインしてもらうのと、パブリックヘルスでパワーポイントを見て提出するです。