China has just been locked down and thousands of Chinese have just been sent off to the camps2022.01.09 12:11Covid Red Pills 💊🇨🇳🚨 Ningbo city in Zhejiang Province, China has just been locked down and thousands of Chinese have just been sent off to the camps. This is a big deal for the world because this city is one of the busiest ports. Expect supply chain issues to further accelerate into chaos.Telegram健康カナダ健康カナダとWakuWakuの総合サイト 健康カナダー心と身体と魂の健康を学ぶ会フォロー2022.01.09 12:12millions of people without "social distancing" of course have to line up to take a covid test.2022.01.09 12:10Kenney rejects mandatory vaccination for Albertans0コメント1000 / 1000投稿