Saint John cardiologist and 'inspiring spirit' dies suddenly2022.01.05 22:37Saint John cardiologist and 'inspiring spirit' dies suddenly | CBC NewsSohrab Lutchmedial, a prominent New Brunswick cardiologist, has died suddenly, leaving behind a large gap in the system and the community, colleagues say.CBC健康カナダ健康カナダとWakuWakuの総合サイト 健康カナダー心と身体と魂の健康を学ぶ会フォロー2022.01.05 22:39RNA virus error catastrophe: Direct molecular test by using ribavirin2022.01.05 22:36スペイン風邪の真実!歴史という計画は繰り返す!実は100年前と全く同じですw0コメント1000 / 1000投稿