Working together to STOP COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Healthy Children K-12MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA, FASN, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA, internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, Chief Medical Officer, Truth for health Foundation, most highly published cardiac and kidney specialist in history, globallyMD, MS, Northwestern School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
fellow - Global Clinical Research Scholar (2016), original Inventor of
the mRNA Vaccine Platform used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19
MA, PhD, Oxford University, McMaster University, Former WHO
Consultant and Senior Advisor to US Dept of HHS in 2020 for the
COVID-19 response
MD, Georgetown University, Notre Dame, Professor at University of California Irvine, Chairman, UCI Hospital's medical ethics committees and at the California Department of State Hospitals
Over 13,000 international physicians and medical scientists have produced a comprehensive COVID-19-related declaration and have reached consensus based upon overwhelming evi